GRE  We offer the best GRE preparation in Saudi Arabia.

GRE Information

The GRE takes about 4 hours to complete and includes challenging Quantitative and Verbal Reasoning content and question types.


Question Types



Analytical Writing

Analysis of an Issue,

Analysis of an Argument

2 essays

30 mins

Quantitative Sections (2)

Quantitative Comparison,

Problem Solving,

Data Interpretation

about 20

per section

35 mins per section

Verbal Sections (2)

Text Completion,

Sentence Equivalence,

Reading Comprehension

about 20

per section

35 mins  per section

There is a 10-minute break following the third section and a 1-minute break between other sections.

  • Admissions officers report that an applicant’s GRE score is the most important admissions factor[1].
  • Most admissions officers say a strong GRE score will help a student receive merit-based scholarships.
  • The acceptance rate at top masters, MBA and professional programs is less than 20%.
  • Getting just another question or two correct in a given section will catapult you ahead of tens of thousands of other test takers and set you up for admissions success.
  • [1] Kaplan Graduate School Admissions Officer Survey, August 2010

King Abdulaziz Road, North of Kingdom Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

*GMAT® is a registered trademark of the Graduate Management Admission Council™. GRE® and TOEFL® are registered trademarks of the Educational Testing Service. SAT® is a registered trademark of the College Board. Kaplan and Kaplan Certified Education Providers are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with GMAC, ETS, or College Board.

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*Kaplan Test Prep programs in Saudi Arabia are operated by Capstone Learning under the Kaplan Certified Education Provider agreement between Capstone Learning and Kaplan Test Prep International.