University Admissions Consulting

Get into your dream university

Receive expert guidance of over 30 years of experience, matching hundreds of students to the best universities in North America and Europe.

Complete University Application Consulting

Overall Strategy

Overall Strategy

Developing your personal story, highlighting your individual strengths and academic, professional and personal achievements, leveraging your background, how you can distinguish yourself from the competition, and how to manage negative aspects of your application.

School Selection

School Selection

Selecting schools that best suit to your objectives, interests, and qualifications. One of the most over-looked, yet important, aspects of the application process is school selection. Your chances of being accepted and succeeding depend heavily on finding the right match for your skills and interests.

Too often, applicants rely on second-hand information, ranking lists found on some questionable internet site, or uninformed suggestions from friends and co-workers. This is too important a decision to make without asking the right questions and doing the proper research

Essays & Personal Statements

Essays & Personal Statements

Brainstorming, outlining, review and editing, including both 1) proofreading and editing of grammar and spelling, and, more importantly, 2) advice on strengthening your content, showcasing your areas of strength, to address what schools are looking for.

The personal statement, along with the application essays, is one of the three most important criteria used in evaluating candidates for admission to graduate school. This allows schools to get a sense of how valuable a member and contributor you would be to their respective academic communities. We will help you construct the statement that best showcases your attributes, while avoiding the errors that send an otherwise qualified candidate's application to the rejection pile.

Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular Activities

The two biggest mistakes students make regarding extra-curricular activities is forgetting to mention them at all, or listing too many of them. The number and nature of activities to be included is an art form in itself, and varies depending on the school and program to which you are applying. We will help you determine which activities best illustrate the experience and characteristics schools consider most favorably.

At the most competitive schools, there is no shortage of candidates meeting the school's qualifications in the traditional categories. The best candidates will seek to have advantages in the oft overlooked areas such as the extra-curricular activities.



Review and editing of resumes. The best resume for a job application is not necessarily the best resume for a graduate school application. If you are just sending along a retread with minor updates, you could be making a big mistake.

We will guide you through the creation of your best possible resume, working to integrate it with your personal statement and letters of recommendation to present the most flattering portrait to your schools of choice.

Letters of Recommendations

Letters of Recommendations

Guidance on selecting letters of recommendations. Do you know what schools are looking to find in your letters of recommendation? More importantly, do your recommenders? Choosing and cultivating the right sources for your letters can make all the difference in getting your application to stand out.

Who should write them? What information should be included? What information should be high-lighted? How can you coordinate this with the rest of your package to make the best possible impression upon the reviewers? We will help you answer all these questions and more.

Our Admissions Consultants

  • Previously Harvard Admissions Interviewer and Evaluator
  • Helped countless international and domestic students turn their academic dreams into reality.
  • Our students are successful because we offer customized advice and treats each student holistically. We run an uncanny ability finding that unique quality or talent in each applicant to distinguish that applicant from the rest of the crowd--which is often dispositive in college admissions decisions.
  • Graduated from Ivy League universities, including Harvard University and Cornell University.